Tuesday, November 30, 2021


"Pennyworth explores the early life of the titular Wayne family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who is forming his own security company in an alternate universe in which Hitler and Nazi Germany won World War II, and in which London combines aspects of the 1950s and 1960s with invented events and practices, such as a modern civil war and televised public executions."  Now that was the Wikipedia listing for this show but as I haven't seen it and have been reading stuff about it, it sounds like a fucking mess!  Everything is kinda ambiguous and a bit confusing as to the situation in the world is post WWII.  Might give it a go but am hesitant on giving it the time when it doesn't seem to know what it is.  Below is the season 1 and 2 trailers so give it a once over and see what you think.

Season 1
Season 2

On the fence but if it's weird war I'll jump into and see what's what,

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