Sunday, August 14, 2016

Battleground Weird WWII: Autoblinda 41

Here we have the Italians best armored car during the war, the Autoblinda 41.  Get the rules here.

Great way to drive as fast as you can away from the Allies,


  1. Just discovered your website within the past few days, have already preserved all your vehicle rules files starting with Nahuel D.L. 43. Fond of EE Battleground WWII; appreciate your (slightly twisted) efforts to keep it alive. (I only have the EE core rules + Crusade for Europe & Rage on the Reich.) Good job!

  2. Well, welcome aboard! I think its the best system I've played and still do so why not just add to it. Glad you like the mods and hope to hear from ya more in the future.

    Thanks for hangin' out here,
