Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Honored Allies Wednesday: Mamish Abdullayev (Soviet Union)

"During the later phase of Operation Bagration, the division advanced into Poland.  During the breakthrough at the village of Rynek-Ostrov on 3 September, Abdullayev reportedly enabled the advance of his company with fire from his machine gun.  During the advance, his unit reportedly ran into 60 submachine gun and three machine gun positions.  Abdullayev reportedly bypassed the German positions from the left flank and opened fire.  The company reportedly attacked as a result of the diversion.  During the battle, Abdullayev reportedly killed 29 German soldiers, captured two machine guns, mortars and ten rifles.  On 4 September Abdullayev was reportedly one of the first in his unit to cross the Narew at Dworskie south of Różan.  He reportedly covered the crossing of his company with machine gun fire.  Abdullayev was wounded while repulsing German counterattacks and his machine gun was disabled.  He reportedly used grenades to destroy two firing points and then captured a machine gun, opening fire with it.   After recovering from his wound in the hospital Abdullayev returned to his unit.  He fought in the East Prussian Offensive and was killed on 26 January 1945.  He was buried on the southern outskirts of Furstenau.  On 24 March 1945 Abdullayev was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin".

Another honored ally,

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