"Generalleutnant Wolf-Dietrich Ritter von Hylander had previously
distinguished himself as the chief of staff of an Armee in the Kuban bridgehead and the Crimea. Whilst serving as chief of staff of a
Heeresgruppe he personally flew a considerable distance over enemy
occupied territory in order to get to a cut-off friendly Armee-Korps. After learning of the situation he made the independent decision to send
the unit in an attack against the rear of those Soviet armored forces
that had thrust across the Oder. This resulted in strong enemy
formations being held up at the Oder river whilst also receiving heavy
losses. Generalleutnant von Xylander subsequently died a heroic death
during the combat in the East, however he would be awarded the Knight’s
Cross posthumously in light of his brave and decisive feat-of-arms." from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation awarded on 20 February 1945 as
Generalleutnant of Heeresgruppe Mitte.
Generalleutnant of Heeresgruppe Mitte.
Another capable enemy elite,
Brian & Mel
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