Friday, May 7, 2021

Enemy Elite Friday: Ludwig Heilmann (Germany)

"On the 20.05.1941, during the fighting at Crete, Major Heilmann was able to capture the hill South of Galatas with his Bataillon staff and the remnants of his 9. Kompanie.  Two days later, he along with 100 men succeeded in breaking the encirclement ring of New Zealand forces near Stalos.  The same day the group made contact with the Fallschirmjäger and Gebirgsjäger that were now coming from the West."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation, awarded on 14 June 1941.
"Awarded for his actions during the battle of Sicily.   Here Heilmann and his troops were able to escape destruction in enemy territory by fighting their way across the Malati bridge (heavily trafficked by Allied forces) on the night of the 15./16.07.1943.  Thereafter they were able to reach friendly territory on the Catania plain."  from hid Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves citation, awarded on 2 March 1944.
"Awarded for his leadership and the bitter resistance put up by his Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 3 during the Second Battle of Monte Cassino."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords citation, awarded on 15 May 1944.
Another capable enemy elite,
Brian & Mel

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