"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above
and beyond the call of duty as Executive Officer of the 2d Battalion
Shore Party, 8th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, during the assault against
enemy Japanese-held Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands, 20–22 November 1943.
Acting on his own initiative when assault troops were pinned down at
the far end of Betio Pier by the overwhelming fire of Japanese shore
batteries, 1st Lt. Bonnyman repeatedly defied the blasting fury of the
enemy bombardment to organize and lead the besieged men over the long,
open pier to the beach and then, voluntarily obtaining flame throwers
and demolitions, organized his pioneer shore party into assault
demolitionists and directed the blowing of several hostile installations
before the close of D-Day. Determined to effect an opening in the
enemy's strongly organized defense line the following day, he
voluntarily crawled approximately 40 yards forward of our lines and
placed demolitions in the entrance of a large Japanese emplacement as
the initial move in his planned attack against the heavily garrisoned,
bombproof installation which was stubbornly resisting despite the
destruction early in the action of a large number of Japanese who had
been inflicting heavy casualties on our forces and holding up our
advance. Withdrawing only to replenish his ammunition, he led his men in
a renewed assault, fearlessly exposing himself to the merciless slash
of hostile fire as he stormed the formidable bastion, directed the
placement of demolition charges in both entrances and seized the top of
the bombproof position, flushing more than 100 of the enemy who were
instantly cut down, and effecting the annihilation of approximately 150
troops inside the emplacement. Assailed by additional Japanese after he
had gained his objective, he made a heroic stand on the edge of the
structure, defending his strategic position with indomitable
determination in the face of the desperate charge and killing 3 of the
enemy before he fell, mortally wounded. By his dauntless fighting
spirit, unrelenting aggressiveness and forceful leadership throughout 3
days of unremitting, violent battle, 1st Lt. Bonnyman had inspired his
men to heroic effort, enabling them to beat off the counterattack and
break the back of hostile resistance in that sector for an immediate
gain of 400 yards with no further casualties to our forces in this zone.
He gallantly gave his life for his country."
From 1st Lieutenant Alexander Bonnyman Jr.'s Medal of Honor citation, awarded in 1947.
Thank you for your service and may you be at peace,
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