"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above
and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the 3d Assault
Battalion Landing Team, 25th Marines, 4th Marine Division, in action
against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, from 19 to
22 February 1945. Under a furious barrage of enemy machine gun and
small-arms fire from the commanding cliffs on the right, Col. Chambers
(then Lt. Col.) landed immediately after the initial assault waves of
his battalion on D-day to find the momentum of the assault threatened by
heavy casualties from withering Japanese artillery, mortar rocket,
machine gun, and rifle fire. Exposed to relentless hostile fire, he
coolly reorganized his battle-weary men, inspiring them to heroic
efforts by his own valor and leading them in an attack on the critical,
impregnable high ground from which the enemy was pouring an increasing
volume of fire directly onto troops ashore as well as amphibious craft
in succeeding waves. Constantly in the front lines encouraging his men
to push forward against the enemy's savage resistance, Col. Chambers led
the 8-hour battle to carry the flanking ridge top and reduce the
enemy's fields of aimed fire, thus protecting the vital foothold gained.
In constant defiance of hostile fire while reconnoitering the entire
regimental combat team zone of action, he maintained contact with
adjacent units and forwarded vital information to the regimental
commander. His zealous fighting spirit undiminished despite terrific
casualties and the loss of most of his key officers, he again
reorganized his troops for renewed attack against the enemy's main line
of resistance and was directing the fire of the rocket platoon when he
fell, critically wounded. Evacuated under heavy Japanese fire, Col.
Chambers, by forceful leadership, courage, and fortitude in the face of
staggering odds, was directly instrumental in insuring the success of
subsequent operations of the 5th Amphibious Corps on Iwo Jima, thereby
sustaining and enhancing the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service."
From Lt. Col. Chambers' Medal of Honor citation, awarded on November 1, 1950.
Thank you for your service and my you be at peace,
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