Friday, November 21, 2014

Enemy Elite Friday: Karl Baacke (Germany)


"Hauptmann Baacke has already previously distinguished himself during the fighting around Mount Olympus through his extraordinary readiness for duty and prudent leadership of the Vorausabteilung 72. During the battle for Thermopylae he attacked the strong English opponent via a night attack launched on his own initiative.  In the process he demonstrated great personal bravery and achieved a decisive victory for the continued forward advance of the 6th Mountain Division."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation awarded on June 30th, 1941 as Hauptmann in the Grenz Infantry Regiment 124 of the 72nd Infantry Division.

"As the battle with the 72th Infantry Division in Cherkassy came to a head, and the city itself was temporarily encircled, Oberstleutnant Baacke broke the Soviets’ encirclement ring and thereby enabled both the evacuation of the wounded and the influx of important supply goods.  On the next day, once again surrounded on all sides, he broke the attack of strong infantry and tank forces and thereafter restored contact with the outside by storming a particularly heavily fortified strong point of the enemy. Oberstleutnant Baacke led his regiment from the foremost line during all these battles, and throughout this time he inspired his grenadiers to high achievements despite their having been engaged in continuous combat for 14 days."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves citation, awarded on December 10th, 1943 as Oberstleutnant of the 266 Grenadier Regiment, 72th Infantry Division.
He also received the German Cross in Gold on February 28th, 1943 as Major of Grenadier Regiment 266 of the 72th Infantry Division.
Another deadly enemy elite,

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