Friday, October 10, 2014

Enemy Elite Friday: Johannes Austermann (Germany)

"Awarded for his actions near Scharfenweise (Ostrolenka) at the end of January 1945.  In this time the Soviets attempted to interrupt the Germans’ ordered withdrawal movement via a regimental-sized thrust that had the support of 16 tanks.  Major Austermann and his battalion were able to contain it with a counterattack of their own, and by doing so they held open an important road and shielded the division from a potential flank threat.  Austermann would be recognized appropriately for his ruthless and inspiring leadership during this time."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation, awarded on February 10th, 1945 as Major of Grenadier-Regiment 1146 in the 562nd Volks Grenadier Division.
Another capable enemy elite,

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