PzKpfw I Ausf A
Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf A
Munitionsschlepper auf PzKpfw I Ausf A
Brükenleger auf PzKpfw I Ausf A
PzKpfw I Ausf B
Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf B w/Rod Antenna
Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf B w/Frame Antenna
15cm sIG55(Sf) auf PzKpfw I Ausf B "Bison"
Munitionsschlepper auf PzKpfw Ausf B
PzKpfw I Ausf C
PzKpfw I Ausf F
Flakpanzer I w/Sonderanhanger 51 Trailer
Panzerjäger I
Flammenwerfer auf PzKpfw I
Ladungsleger auf PzKpfw I
PzKpfw I ohne Aufbau
PzKpfw I Ausf B w/Wurfrahmen 40
Spanish PzKpfw I Ausf A "Breda"
Bulgarian Leichte Kampfwagen B "LKB"
PzKpfw I Ausf B w/Wurfrahmen 40
Spanish PzKpfw I Ausf A "Breda"
Bulgarian Leichte Kampfwagen B "LKB"
PzKpfw I w/PaK 35/36
Notes: These rules are for the various models of the PzKpfw I. Be sure to pick up the core Battleground WWII rules so you can get the most outta these incredible rules!
Date Introduced: Ausf A (Mid '34), Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf A (Mid '35), Munitionsschlepper auf PzKpfw I Ausf A (Late '39), Brükenleger auf PzKpfw I Ausf A (Early '41), Ausf B (Mid '35), Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf B (Late '35), 15cm sIG55(Sf) auf PzKpfw I Ausf B (Early '40), Panzerjäger I (Early '40), Ladungsleger auf PzKpfw I Ausf B (Early '40), Munitionsschlepper auf PzKpfw Ausf B (Mid '42), Ausf C (Mid '42), Ausf F (Early '42), Flakpanzer I (Mid '41), "Breda" (Mid '37), LKB (Mid '36) & PzKpfw I w/PaK 35/36 (Early '39)
Users: Germany, Spain (Ausf Bs Only), Bulgaria (LKBs Only), Hungry (Ausf Bs & PzBefWg Ausf Bs Only) & China (Ausf As Only)
Vehicle Chart: We usually just use the PzKpfw II's vehicle chart from the Tanker's Challenge supplement and modify when needed. There is also a Jagdpanzer I vehicle chart located in the Crusade for Empire supplement.
Crew: All models, except otherwise noted, have a crew of 2 (commander/gunner & driver). All models of the Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen have a crew of 3 (commander/gunner, radio op & driver), Panzerjäger I, Bison and Model fitted with the PaK 35/36 have crews of 4 (commander, gunner, loader & driver).
Commander As Gunner & Radio Op: The vehicle commander acts as gunner and radio operator in all models of the PzKpfw I unless otherwise noted. Due to the vehicle's main weapons being machine guns or auto-cannons, the commander will never suffer from the No Commander penalty when firing the vehicle's weapons.
Poor Cross-Country Mobility: All Ausf A models will suffer an additional +1 to all Bog Checks when on rough ground.
Winterketten or Ostketten Tracks: Any model from mid '42 on may be fitted with the Winterketten track grousers for use in ice and snowy fronts or from early '44 on with the Ostketten track for muddy battlefields. The Winterketten will provide a -1 to all Bog Checks made in snow or icy terrain and the Ostketten will provide a -1 to all Bog Checks in muddy terrain. Both tracks types will also negate any High Ground Pressure penalties. Availability for each is a 8 or less for any front.
Smoke Dischargers: Some PzKpfw I models have two sets of triple smoke launchers fixed to either side of the rear hull loaded with smoke rounds. The commander uses an action to fire the launchers in which both will fire a single smoke round that will then smoke the rear 180-degrees of the vehicle's rear. The vehicle will then reverse into its smoke screen for cover. The launchers can only be reloaded externally and it will take a crewman one action to load a single launcher. If only one set is loaded and then fired, it will only produce a 90-degree smoke cloud to the rear side of whatever launcher was fired. Availability is 10.
Open-Topped: All models that are Open-Topped will be bound by those rules as such.
Winterketten or Ostketten Tracks: Any model from mid '42 on may be fitted with the Winterketten track grousers for use in ice and snowy fronts or from early '44 on with the Ostketten track for muddy battlefields. The Winterketten will provide a -1 to all Bog Checks made in snow or icy terrain and the Ostketten will provide a -1 to all Bog Checks in muddy terrain. Both tracks types will also negate any High Ground Pressure penalties. Availability for each is a 8 or less for any front.
Smoke Dischargers: Some PzKpfw I models have two sets of triple smoke launchers fixed to either side of the rear hull loaded with smoke rounds. The commander uses an action to fire the launchers in which both will fire a single smoke round that will then smoke the rear 180-degrees of the vehicle's rear. The vehicle will then reverse into its smoke screen for cover. The launchers can only be reloaded externally and it will take a crewman one action to load a single launcher. If only one set is loaded and then fired, it will only produce a 90-degree smoke cloud to the rear side of whatever launcher was fired. Availability is 10.
Open-Topped: All models that are Open-Topped will be bound by those rules as such.
Tarpaulin Cover: All Open-Topped models are equipped with tarps as basic kit.
EM141 Machine Gun: The Ausf C model is armed with a EM141 machine gun which was in essence a fast shooting anti-tank rifle. This weapon used the same ammunition as the standard German AT rifle so it will have the same rules as one with the exception of having a ROF of 2.
EM141 Machine Gun: The Ausf C model is armed with a EM141 machine gun which was in essence a fast shooting anti-tank rifle. This weapon used the same ammunition as the standard German AT rifle so it will have the same rules as one with the exception of having a ROF of 2.
Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Models: Both models of the Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen has a hull-mounted light machine mounted in the raised hull. The weapon is fired using the Hull-Mounted MG rules as noted within the main rules. The extra crewman is the vehicle's radio operator. Note that the Ausf A model will use a rod type antenna and the Ausf B can use either a rod or frame type antenna.
Munitionsschleppers Models: All these model types are provided with a tow bar that allows them to tow small munition trailers and even light vehicles or weapons.
Ammunition Carrier: Because of the amount of ammunition within the the vehicle, it will suffer an additional -2 to the Vehicle Effects Chart if penetrated.
Ammunition Carrier: Because of the amount of ammunition within the the vehicle, it will suffer an additional -2 to the Vehicle Effects Chart if penetrated.
PzKpfw I ohne Aufbau Models: These models are in essence any PzKpfw I but without the armored superstructure and turret. These vehicles are mainly used as mobile workshops for armored units but could be used in just about any way the Commander sees fit. Because of the lack of a superstructure, the crew will only ever receive +5 Partial Tank Cover when in the vehicle. Now if the crew is prone within the vehicle then they can gain the AV protection of the hull. These models can also be fitted with a tow bar with an Availability of 10.
Brükenleger Models: This model of the PzKpfw I has a static bridge fitted to the hull. The bridge and can hold a maximum of 20 tons. The vehicle drives into place where the bridge is to be used and with multiple Brükenleger butted up against each other, they can make a much longer bridge if the terrain allowes for it. These can also be used as ramps to scale steep slopes.
Ladungsleger Models: This model of the PzKpfw I is used to drop explosives on or near enemy targets and then the crew detonates the charge by remote control when at a safe distance. The first version allows the vehicle to drop the charge from the rear as it drives up to or by the intended target. The other version has the tank fitted with a large arm that can lower the charge in front of the vehicle. This allowed the vehicle to place charges on top of or into enemy targets. It will take the commander an action to place or drop the charge and then another to detonate it for either version. Note that the charge is fitted within a small armored box that is considered to have an AV of 1. This box will prevent the charge from prematurely detonating from enemy fire unless it is penetrated like normal in which it will immediately detonate with the appropriate blast template and rules as such for anything under the template. Availability for this upgrade is a 5.
Flammenwerfer Upgrade: Some
commanders upgraded their PzKpfw Is with a simple man-portable flamethrower
that replaces one of the light machine guns in the turret. This easy
conversion allows any PzKpfw I to become a deadly armored flamethrower. The
flamethrower is operated by the commander/gunner and takes an action to fire from within the normal fire arc of the turret mounted machine gun. The flamethrower has enough fuel for 8 shots and will use
the Man-Portable flamethrower template. The tip of the template will
be placed 2" directly in front of the flamethrower's position. Any
prone figures between the template and tank will make an immediate
Morale Check and any standing will suffer an automatic Gory Death. All
normal flamethrower rules apply. In addition, any penetrating hit to
the front 17, 18 or 19 and side 16 and 17 locations where the flamethrower is located will result in an
automatic Catastrophic result on the Penetration Effects chart.
Availability is an 8 to any front line units and a 4 for any police/anti-partisan or other rear echelon units.
Bison SPG: The Bison mounts a 150mm howitzer on top of the vehicle with a large gun shield that provides cover to the crew. The gun can traverse 12-degreed before the vehicle will have to move to engage a target. The gun fires HE, smoke, a hollow charge shells and the special Stielgranate 42. The crew will also receive cover to
any enemy fire coming from the front of the vehicle due to the gun shield but it will not offer any
protection from fire from the rear or from elevated positions. Due to the over-worked chassis of the vehicle, the vehicle
will suffer a additional +2 to all Bog Checks.
Indirect Fire: The vehicle's howitzer is capable of using indirect fire and has a Minimum Range of 45" and will have an unlimited Maximum Range.
Indirect Fire: The vehicle's howitzer is capable of using indirect fire and has a Minimum Range of 45" and will have an unlimited Maximum Range.
Vehicle Loading and Ammo Storage: One of the main limitations of the Bison is that it doesn't have a dedicated ammunition storage for the weapon. Because of this limitation, the crew must be supplied from
another source which means that it takes the loader mounted on the vehicle's
deck and an additional dismounted to load the weapon. The
dismounted crewman supplies the loader from the ammunition source and
expends an action to hand them a shell. The loader will then have
to spend an action to load the weapon. Because of the lack of storage, an ammunition vehicle, cart or whatever must be close by to supply the weapon. It is up to the Commander to decide what type of vehicle is acting as the munitions carrier.
Flakpanzer I: This model mounts the Flak 38 onto of the hull with the crew fighting from the engine deck. The weapon will act as a normal flak gun with the following exceptions, that there is a crew of 3 instead of 4 and that if the vehicle moves the gun will suffer from the normal rules as such. In addition, the gun will be considered having a Normal turret speed because of the limited room the crew has on the vehicle. Flakpanzers will always come with the Sonderanhanger 51 Trailer as basic issue.
Panzerjäger I: The Panzerjäger I is a PzKpfw I fitted with the Czech 4.7cm PaK(t) with a large gun shield. The gun fires both HE and AP rounds and has a 35-degree field of fire before the vehicle has to move to engage its target. The large gun shield provides the crew with a +5 cover modifier to fire from the vehicle's front but is considered Open-Topped from flank and rear fire. D6 rounds of APCR rounds are Available on a 5 or less.
Unarmored Ammo Storage:
Because of the Panzerjäger I's make-shift ammo storage, it is prone to catching fire if
penetrated. Penetration Effects are at a -1 to the Vehicle Effects Chart.
Ausf B w/Wurfrahmen 40: Several Ausf B models were converted into make-shift rocket launchers with duel Wurfrahmen 40 mounted to the rear hull. The tank will act as normal with the exception that it will not be able to traverse its turret to its rear 180-degrees. Also, any incoming fire to locations that would have the Wurfrahmen 40 rocket covering it will detonate it on an additional roll of 5 or less. Count the Wurfrahmen 40 as ablative armor that ruins the first AP shot to that location but any subsequent shot will be as normal.
Spanish Breda Panzer: This field modification upgraded the vehicle's hull machine guns to a single Breda 20mm autocannon with a single co-aux machine gun. This upgrade gave the PzKpfw I a bit more punch against most targets. Even though the weapon was a much appreciated upgrade, the way in which the commander aimed and fired it wasn't. The vehicle's commander used a small opening in the turret that they used to aim at the target. Well as anyone knows, an opening in the vehicle allows for enemy fire to hit the crew and that just sucks. Because of this, any shots towards the Breda's turret front will roll for locations. If the incoming fire hits the 18 location the commander will be hit by the incoming fire on an additional 5 or less if a projectile. If the incoming round is a blast then the commander will get hit by it on a 15 or less. All normal modifiers are in affect to any fire taken in this manner. This modification has an Availability of 5 or less to Spanish used PzKpfw I Ausf Bs only.
Bulgarian Leichte Kampfwagen B: In the Mid 30s, the Germans intended to sell Bulgaria a modified model of the Ausf B with a 20mm autocannon and new engine but after 3 where built the project fell through. Since this is WWWII, you arm them Bulgarians with as many as you want!
PaK 35/36 Modification: This model of the PzKpfw I was intended to be used for training purposes but since this is WWWII you can field it however you want. The gun has a 90-degree field of fire to the front. The gun's crew is also protected by the gun's gun shield as normal. The PaK 35/36 is capable of firing AP, HE, APCR and the Stielgranate 41 HEAT shell. The APCR round has an Availability of 8 or less with D6 rounds available and the Availability of the Stielgranate 41 is a 4 or less with D4 shells available.
Ausf B w/Wurfrahmen 40: Several Ausf B models were converted into make-shift rocket launchers with duel Wurfrahmen 40 mounted to the rear hull. The tank will act as normal with the exception that it will not be able to traverse its turret to its rear 180-degrees. Also, any incoming fire to locations that would have the Wurfrahmen 40 rocket covering it will detonate it on an additional roll of 5 or less. Count the Wurfrahmen 40 as ablative armor that ruins the first AP shot to that location but any subsequent shot will be as normal.
Spanish Breda Panzer: This field modification upgraded the vehicle's hull machine guns to a single Breda 20mm autocannon with a single co-aux machine gun. This upgrade gave the PzKpfw I a bit more punch against most targets. Even though the weapon was a much appreciated upgrade, the way in which the commander aimed and fired it wasn't. The vehicle's commander used a small opening in the turret that they used to aim at the target. Well as anyone knows, an opening in the vehicle allows for enemy fire to hit the crew and that just sucks. Because of this, any shots towards the Breda's turret front will roll for locations. If the incoming fire hits the 18 location the commander will be hit by the incoming fire on an additional 5 or less if a projectile. If the incoming round is a blast then the commander will get hit by it on a 15 or less. All normal modifiers are in affect to any fire taken in this manner. This modification has an Availability of 5 or less to Spanish used PzKpfw I Ausf Bs only.
Bulgarian Leichte Kampfwagen B: In the Mid 30s, the Germans intended to sell Bulgaria a modified model of the Ausf B with a 20mm autocannon and new engine but after 3 where built the project fell through. Since this is WWWII, you arm them Bulgarians with as many as you want!
PaK 35/36 Modification: This model of the PzKpfw I was intended to be used for training purposes but since this is WWWII you can field it however you want. The gun has a 90-degree field of fire to the front. The gun's crew is also protected by the gun's gun shield as normal. The PaK 35/36 is capable of firing AP, HE, APCR and the Stielgranate 41 HEAT shell. The APCR round has an Availability of 8 or less with D6 rounds available and the Availability of the Stielgranate 41 is a 4 or less with D4 shells available.
Stielgranate 41: The Stielgranate 41 has an AP of 39 and because
of the size of the round, it will have a bonus of -2 to all rolls on the
Penetration Effects Chart. The round is a HEAT round with all normal
rules applied for such weapons and will produce a Medium HE Template with the
minus of the G ring. It takes the crew 2 actions to load a Stielgranate
41. The round is placed into the front of the weapon's barrel similar to
that of a rifle grenade. When fired, the Stielgranate will ignore the
main gun concussion rules.
Wargaming Piece: Not sure of the PzKpfw I stuff in 1/48 so just do some Google-Fu and see what ya find.
*1 5 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- LMG --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*2 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- LMG --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*3 8 S 5 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- ** --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*4 21 S 14 14 12 12 12 12 4 4 8 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- LMG --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*5 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 20LAC 11 ----- ----- 4 -----
*6 9 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 10 1 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 150S --- ----- ----- 28 Large
*7 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 8 1 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 47L 19 23 ----- 7 Small
*8 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- ----- T 10 ----- LMG ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*9 4 S 2 ----- 2 ----- 2 ----- 1 Auto 10 ----- ----- T ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*10 8 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T ----- ----- LMG ----- 20LAC 11 ----- ----- 4 -----
*11 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 8 1/2 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 37L 16 18 ----- 6 Small
*1-Ausf A/*2-Ausf B/*3-Ausf C/*4-Ausf F/*5-Flakpanzer I/*6-Bison SPG/*7-Panzerjäger I/*8-Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen/*9-All Turret-less Models/*10-Breda & LKB Models/*11-PaK 35/36 Equipped Model
*2 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- LMG --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*3 8 S 5 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- ** --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*4 21 S 14 14 12 12 12 12 4 4 8 ----- N T 10 ----- LMG ----- LMG --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*5 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 20LAC 11 ----- ----- 4 -----
*6 9 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 10 1 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 150S --- ----- ----- 28 Large
*7 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 8 1 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 47L 19 23 ----- 7 Small
*8 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- ----- T 10 ----- LMG ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*9 4 S 2 ----- 2 ----- 2 ----- 1 Auto 10 ----- ----- T ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- -----
*10 8 S 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 ----- N T ----- ----- LMG ----- 20LAC 11 ----- ----- 4 -----
*11 6 S 2 2 2 2 2 Auto 1 Auto 8 1/2 ----- SPG ----- ----- ----- ----- 37L 16 18 ----- 6 Small
*1-Ausf A/*2-Ausf B/*3-Ausf C/*4-Ausf F/*5-Flakpanzer I/*6-Bison SPG/*7-Panzerjäger I/*8-Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen/*9-All Turret-less Models/*10-Breda & LKB Models/*11-PaK 35/36 Equipped Model
**See the rules for the EM141 machine gun.
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