"During the September campaign in 1939, he was an adjutant of the 5th Podhale Rifle Regiment. After the battle near Jaślany, the unit suffered heavy losses and was disbanded. Andrzej Stańczyk, together with a small group of soldiers, evacuated first to Hungary and then to France, where he joined the Polish brigade that was assembled at Camp de Coëtquidan in Brittany. He was assigned to the Podhale Rifle Brigade as a company commander. In April 1940, he was transported to Norway. In May and June, he took part in the Battle of Narvik. In the battles for the Ankenes peninsula, he was distinguished by exceptional bravery, for which he was awarded the Silver Cross of Virtuti Militari and the Cross of Valor. After the fall of France, he made his way to Great Britain. On October 3, 1940, he was promoted to the rank of major on May 3, 1940. From October 22, 1940 to June 22, 1942, he served in the 1st Battalion of Podhale Rifles as the deputy commander of the battalion. Then he was transferred to the Middle East until September 30, 1942.
From July 1943 to October 15, 1944 he was the commander of the 16th Lviv Rifle Battalion. As part of the 2nd Polish Corps, he took part in the Battle of Monte Cassino and in the Battle of Ancona. After the battle, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. In 1944 he became the commander of the 16th Pomeranian Infantry Brigade. He held this position until the end of the war." He would be awarded the War Cross for his actions in the defense on Norway.
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