Notes: These are the rules we use for walkers in our games of BGWWWII. I haven't provided any "Vehicle Location Charts" because of the large amount of walkers that could be used so I'll leave that up to you guys but I have provided just about everything else you need to game with most types of walkers that might be found striding the battlefields of BGWWWII.
Vehicle Location Charts: If you have made your own walker charts I'd love to see 'em.
Feedback: I would love to get some feedback on the rules after you use them. I have gamed as much as I can but seeing things with different eyes can often see something I overlooked so let me know how they play and don't be afraid to give me any suggestions on how you game your walkers in BGWWWII.
Walker Types
Walkers are any vehicle that moves via legs similar to that of a man or other animal. There are four know walker types within Battleground WWWII, the W2, W4, W6 and the W8. These four types are then broken into four different classes; Light, Medium, Heavy and Super-Heavy depending on their configuration.
Walkers are any vehicle that moves via legs similar to that of a man or other animal. There are four know walker types within Battleground WWWII, the W2, W4, W6 and the W8. These four types are then broken into four different classes; Light, Medium, Heavy and Super-Heavy depending on their configuration.
W2 (walker, 2-legged)
This walker type moves in the manner of a man. These vehicles offer good visibility due to their height
and move well over most terrain but often suffer from a large profile and are prone to being knocked
over buy enemy fire or uneven ground.
W4 (walker, 4-legged)
This walker type moves in the manner of any number of four-legged animals and are usually not as tall
W4 (walker, 4-legged)
This walker type moves in the manner of any number of four-legged animals and are usually not as tall
as a W2. These walkers are more stable and can carry much more weight then their two-legged cousins.
W6 (walker, 6-legged)
This walker type moves like an insect might. The W6 is a very stable but slower walker and is rare to
W6 (walker, 6-legged)
This walker type moves like an insect might. The W6 is a very stable but slower walker and is rare to
be seen on the front lines. Most walkers of this type are dedicated mobile artillery platforms or massive
cargo carriers.
W8 (walker, 8-legged)
These eight-legged monsters are massive in both size and weight and only fit within the Super-Heavy
W8 (walker, 8-legged)
These eight-legged monsters are massive in both size and weight and only fit within the Super-Heavy
class. These walkers usually carry huge artillery pieces or other huge armaments. These monsters are
very, very, slow and have limited movement due to their sheer size but are very stable. In fact, there are
only two nations who deploy this kind of walker in their armies, the USSR and Germany.
Walker Crews and Morale
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Typical Walker Crew
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Crew Quality
Per normal rules.
Walker Morale
Per normal rules.
Morale Checks
Per normal rules in addition to,
Whenever a walker of any type is knocked over for any reason the crew must make a Morale Check. If passed, the crew may act however they wish but if they fail then they will Bail-Out and be considered Broken. If the cause was from enemy fire or action, then a +2 modifier is added to the roll. Crews within a knocked over walker will automatically take an E hit each as they smash into the hull from the impact of the falling vehicle.
Per normal rules.
Walker Leaders
Per normal rules.
Walker Platoon Integrity Check
Per normal rules.
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Exit/Enter Walker & Bail-Out
For walkers triple the size of a normal man, the crew must spend 2 actions to safely enter or exit if it is standing. This extra action is due to the crew having to carefully use the vehicle’s rungs to move down its side without falling off. The crew may choose to attempt a fast exit with a successful ½ Skill Check. This allows the crew to exit in a single action but if failed they have fallen off and suffered a F column hit as they hit the ground. If knocked over or exiting to another platform of the same height it will only take a single action to exit or enter the walker whilst standing.
For walkers triple the size of a normal man, the crew must spend 2 actions to safely enter or exit if it is standing. This extra action is due to the crew having to carefully use the vehicle’s rungs to move down its side without falling off. The crew may choose to attempt a fast exit with a successful ½ Skill Check. This allows the crew to exit in a single action but if failed they have fallen off and suffered a F column hit as they hit the ground. If knocked over or exiting to another platform of the same height it will only take a single action to exit or enter the walker whilst standing.
Simultaneous Action
Per normal rules
Walker Movement
Walkers are no different then their fighting vehicle cousins so all rules are the same as any other vehicle within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Walkers are no different then their fighting vehicle cousins so all rules are the same as any other vehicle within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Most walkers have the ability to squat while standing still. To do this the crew must first be completely stopped and then use an action to squat down. The walker's original height will be reduced by a ½ as long as it stays within a squatting position. Now due to the varying designs of walkers on the battlefields of BGWWWII, the actual squatting height will need to either be agreed to by all opposing Commanders or decreed by the BM if one is present. This tactic allows walkers to hide behind terrain features that would normally not cover its appearance to facilitate setting up better ambush positions or to better camouflage itself from enemy units. The walker may fire all its weapons and act as normal except if it wants to move, it must first expend another action to stand and then it may move as normal.
Walkers are capable of making a sidestep movement if they only moved ½ of their max movement last action. The walker may move up to ½ the height of it legs in any sideways direction per action.
W2s may pivot then turn up to 45-degrees for free all other walker types may pivot and turn up to 90-degree for free.
W2s may pivot then turn up to 45-degrees for free all other walker types may pivot and turn up to 90-degree for free.
90-degree turn
W2s may spend an action to pivot then turn up to 90-degrees were all other types may do so at ½ their movement rate.
W2s may spend an action to pivot then turn up to 90-degrees were all other types may do so at ½ their movement rate.
180-degree turn
W2s may use an action to pivot up to 180 degrees at ½ their movement were all other walkers may pivot then turn up to 180 degrees using a single action of movement to do so.
Damaged Leg
Damaged legs are legs that are still intact but are either faulty or immobile due to enemy fire or for some other reason. W2s may drag a leg at ¼ normal movement but this can only be done if the W2 has an auxiliary manipulator arm in which it will use to help drag the leg. W4s may drag a single damaged leg at ½ their normal movement rate. W6s can drag a single damaged leg at ½ movement and a second one on an opposite side up to ¼ normal movement. W8s may drag a single damaged leg up to ¾ of its normal rate, two at ½ is rate and a third on an opposite side as the others up to ¼ its movement. Walkers may drag damaged legs as described above but may not drag them over obstacles or very rough terrain. The only exception is if the walker is equipped with two or more auxiliary manipulator arms that would allow it to grab surrounding terrain and psychically drag the leg over the obstacle. To do such an action it will take a successful ¼ Skill Check by the crew and D6 actions to do so. The terrain must also allow for such an action and must be agreed to by all Commanders or the BM before attempting. Walkers who have sustained numerous Damaged Legs and cannot move them will be considered immobile and all rules will apply.
W2s may move in reverse at ¼ normal movement were as W4s, W6s and W8s can move up to ½.
W2s may move in reverse at ¼ normal movement were as W4s, W6s and W8s can move up to ½.
Transport Transformation
Some walker designs give the walker the ability to transform from using its legs to some other means of movement which are of wheeled or track design. For a walker to transform to either its walking or other movement type it must first be stopped and then it will take the vehicle 2 actions to transform. When in walker mode, the walker will only be able to move via the walker stats and when in transportation mode the walker may move similar to a normal vehicle. All special rules for these types of walkers will be noted on the appropriate Vehicle Chart. Walkers in transport configuration will be considered a “vehicle” until it transforms and then it will be considered a “walker”.
Some walker designs give the walker the ability to transform from using its legs to some other means of movement which are of wheeled or track design. For a walker to transform to either its walking or other movement type it must first be stopped and then it will take the vehicle 2 actions to transform. When in walker mode, the walker will only be able to move via the walker stats and when in transportation mode the walker may move similar to a normal vehicle. All special rules for these types of walkers will be noted on the appropriate Vehicle Chart. Walkers in transport configuration will be considered a “vehicle” until it transforms and then it will be considered a “walker”.
Water Crossing
Walkers of all types may walk through water if it doesn’t submerge its hull. The actual depth passable will vary on each model but before an attempted crossing is made, all Commanders must agree to the depth of the water obstacle or have the BM decide if it’s passable. This rule is ignored if the walker attempting the crossing is "sealed". Sealed walkers are vehicles whose crew has spent D4 actions to seal it for underwater use and affix the proper snorkeling gear to its engine. Crews must roll a Skill Check each action while moving within water and underneath. Walkers not completely submerged are harder to hit due to their small size and any enemy fire against it will receive a +1 To Hit as well as a +1 column shift to spot when making a water crossing. Walkers with only exposed snorkeling equipment will relay a +2 to any To Hit rolls against it and a +2 column shift for Sighting Checks. Walkers completely submerged will not be bound by these rules. Walkers partially submerged can only fire machine guns and any completely submerged walker will be unable to fire any weapons.
Walkers of all types may walk through water if it doesn’t submerge its hull. The actual depth passable will vary on each model but before an attempted crossing is made, all Commanders must agree to the depth of the water obstacle or have the BM decide if it’s passable. This rule is ignored if the walker attempting the crossing is "sealed". Sealed walkers are vehicles whose crew has spent D4 actions to seal it for underwater use and affix the proper snorkeling gear to its engine. Crews must roll a Skill Check each action while moving within water and underneath. Walkers not completely submerged are harder to hit due to their small size and any enemy fire against it will receive a +1 To Hit as well as a +1 column shift to spot when making a water crossing. Walkers with only exposed snorkeling equipment will relay a +2 to any To Hit rolls against it and a +2 column shift for Sighting Checks. Walkers completely submerged will not be bound by these rules. Walkers partially submerged can only fire machine guns and any completely submerged walker will be unable to fire any weapons.
Due to the various configurations, designs and weight of each walker class, the listed terrain modifiers are those that would affect the W2 and W4 types as they are the most common on the battlefield. Other walkers will have their modifiers listed on their own Vehicle Charts in future entries.
Due to the various configurations, designs and weight of each walker class, the listed terrain modifiers are those that would affect the W2 and W4 types as they are the most common on the battlefield. Other walkers will have their modifiers listed on their own Vehicle Charts in future entries.
Walker Terrain Modifiers
¾ normal movement.
Deep Mud
½ normal movement. W2s Bog on 19 & W4s on 20.
Medium Snow
¾ normal movement.
Deep Snow
½ normal movement. W2s Bog on 19 & W4s on 20.
Very Deep Snow
¼ normal movement. W2s on 18 & W4s on 19.
Steep Hill
½ movement. W2s Knocked Over on 19 & W4s on 20. Crews take auto C hits as they are bashed within the walker as it falls down the hill. Move walker to bottom of hill if Knocked Over.
Light Woods
¾ normal movement. W2s Bog on 20 & W4s on 19.
Heavy Woods
¼ normal movement. W2s on 17 & W4s on 15.
¾ normal movement. Both Bog on 20. Skill Check +1 action to push are step over.
Skill Check to step over or push through.
Skill Check +1 action to step over or push through.
Skill Check +1 action to step over if possible.
Skill Check +1 action to step over if wall is shorter then the walker’s knee.
Shell Holes
Skill Check.
Fox Hole/All Trench Types/Gun Pit
Skill Check.
Sand Bags
Skill Check.
Bog on 20. If bogged, the walker crew must spend D10 actions to clear wire from legs. Failure to clear the legs will cause the walker to be Knocked Over on the next failed Bog Check.
W2s Bog on 18 & W4s on 19. +1 action to step over if width of roadblock is ½ of walker’s normal movement. If wider, the walker cannot step over the roadblock.
¾ normal movement.
Slow Stream/River
¾ normal movement. W2s will be Knocked Over on a 19 & W4s on a 20. If Knocked Over, the crew must pass a ½ Skill Check or they will drown. If successful, the crew will be placed on the water’s surface above the walker’s last location.
Fast Stream/River
½ movement. W2s will be Knocked Over on a 18 and W4s on a 19. If Knocked Over, the crew must pass a ½ Skill Check or they will drown. IF successful, the crew will be placed on the water’s surface above the walker’s last location.
Swollen Stream/River
Deduct an additional ¼ movement and a +1 to Bog Checks. If Knocked Over, the crew must pass a Skill Check or drown.
½ normal movement.
Medium Rubble Bog on 19 for W2s / 20 for W4s. If bogged, roll additional D20 and a roll of 20
will cause the walker to be Knocked Over.
Heavy Rubble ¼ movement. Bog on 18 for W2s / 19 for W4s. If bogged, roll additional D20
and a roll of 18 will cause the walker to be Knocked Over.
Knocked Over
Walkers that are Knocked Over are walkers who lose their footing and fall to the ground due to uneven ground, by enemy fire or other similar circumstances. In addition to the walker being immobilized, the crew must make an additional Skill Check to see if they Bail-Out and they will also take an E column hit as the walker crashes to the ground. Any model in its path may make a Skill Check to dive out of the way but if failed they will suffer an automatic Gory Death result unless enhanced in some way. If the walker hits an object with an armor value then follow the vehicle Ramming rules. Only W2s on a roll of 10 and W4s on a roll of 15 will be Knocked Over, all other walker types will Collapse instead.
will cause the walker to be Knocked Over.
Heavy Rubble ¼ movement. Bog on 18 for W2s / 19 for W4s. If bogged, roll additional D20
and a roll of 18 will cause the walker to be Knocked Over.
Knocked Over
Walkers that are Knocked Over are walkers who lose their footing and fall to the ground due to uneven ground, by enemy fire or other similar circumstances. In addition to the walker being immobilized, the crew must make an additional Skill Check to see if they Bail-Out and they will also take an E column hit as the walker crashes to the ground. Any model in its path may make a Skill Check to dive out of the way but if failed they will suffer an automatic Gory Death result unless enhanced in some way. If the walker hits an object with an armor value then follow the vehicle Ramming rules. Only W2s on a roll of 10 and W4s on a roll of 15 will be Knocked Over, all other walker types will Collapse instead.
Walkers that Collapse will fall straight down and will crash to the ground on its bottom hull. Any figure standing below a walker that Collapses may make a ½ Skill Check to dive out of the way or sustain a Gory Death result unless enhanced in some way. Anything not having an armor value will be completely crushed and anything with an AV will be hit as if Rammed by a vehicle. W2s on a roll of 19 and W4s on a roll of 20 will Collapse. All other walker types will only Collapse.
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Walkers that Collapse will fall straight down and will crash to the ground on its bottom hull. Any figure standing below a walker that Collapses may make a ½ Skill Check to dive out of the way or sustain a Gory Death result unless enhanced in some way. Anything not having an armor value will be completely crushed and anything with an AV will be hit as if Rammed by a vehicle. W2s on a roll of 19 and W4s on a roll of 20 will Collapse. All other walker types will only Collapse.
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other crewmen within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Commander Exposed
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Crew Exposed
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Crew Covered
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Gun Rules
Walkers are no different then any other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other vehicle within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Walkers are no different then any other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other vehicle within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Gun Types
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Gun Mounts
Per normal rules in addition to,
Per normal rules in addition to,
Shoulder Mounted
Per Turret Mounted rules
Per Turret Mounted rules
Arm Mounted
Weapons mounted within an arm have a 90-degree field of fire. These are considered to move at a normal rate as mentioned in the Turret Mounted rules.
Hull Mounted
Hull mounted weapons have a 45 degree field of fire to the vehicle’s front.
Hull mounted weapons have a 45 degree field of fire to the vehicle’s front.
Ammunition Types
Per normal rules.
Gun Actions
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Arm Mounted Weapon Readying
Normally, when expecting enemy contact, walker crews will have readied their arm-mounted weapons in anticipation for firing the weapons. This means that the arm is either bent at the elbow or pointing outward ready to engage enemy targets. If the walker’s arm is not Readied then it will need to take a full action to do so before its weapons can be used.
Load Time for Arm & Shoulder Mounted Weapons
Most arm and shoulder mounted weapons cannot be reloaded by the walker’s crew as they tend to be equipped with ammo hoppers similar to those found in aircraft. The ammo hopper is depleted if the weapon rolls double 20s or rolls a total of 5 20s in a single battle. This represents the ammo has been spent or the feeder equipment has failed. Whatever the case may be, the weapon can no longer be used.
W2 Bracing
When W2s fire any weapons of 88mm or larger, they must first completely stop and brace itself for the weapon’s recoil. Failure to do so could knock over the walker due to the possible uneven ground or large recoil from the weapon being fired. It takes a full action to brace the walker, which represents the crew locking up the walker’s legs and setting the gyros for maximum stabilization as the weapon fires. If the crew fires before the walker is braced then they must roll a 15 or less on a D20, or the walker has been knocked over and immobilized. If the walker is on any kind of uneven ground that causes a modifier for movement, then the roll is a 10 or less on a D20. It is free to un-brace a walkers legs once the weapon has been fired. Walkers of other leg configurations will ignore this rule as they are much more balanced.
When W2s fire any weapons of 88mm or larger, they must first completely stop and brace itself for the weapon’s recoil. Failure to do so could knock over the walker due to the possible uneven ground or large recoil from the weapon being fired. It takes a full action to brace the walker, which represents the crew locking up the walker’s legs and setting the gyros for maximum stabilization as the weapon fires. If the crew fires before the walker is braced then they must roll a 15 or less on a D20, or the walker has been knocked over and immobilized. If the walker is on any kind of uneven ground that causes a modifier for movement, then the roll is a 10 or less on a D20. It is free to un-brace a walkers legs once the weapon has been fired. Walkers of other leg configurations will ignore this rule as they are much more balanced.
Shooting Sequence
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
To Hit Modifiers
Per normal rules in addition to walkers that fire on the move will only hit on a ¼ To Hit on weapons with a ROF of more then one. Main guns are at +15 while on the move and a +8 if moved in previous action.
Per normal rules.
Hit Location
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules in addition to,
W2 Penetration
Whenever a W2 is hit by a round of 100mm or greater, they may be Knocked Over by the impact. Roll a Skill Check with any modifiers added and if passed the walker is still on its feet but if failed the walker has been Knocked Over and immobilized. The walker will be Knocked Over the opposite direction of the enemy who fired the round.
W2 Knocked Over by Incoming Fire Modifiers:
Moving whilst hit +3
On Uneven ground +2
Hit from a lower or higher angle +2
A Light Class W2 +2
A Heavy Class W2 -2
A Super-Heavy Class W2 -4
Penetration Effects Chart Additions for Walkers
One the "1" result on the Penetration Effects Chart, any W2 will be Knocked Over from the explosion and fall in a random direction or Collapse as stated in the normal rules stated above. On the “2-4” result the walker will be Knocked Over in a random direction or Collapse as stated in the rules above.
Special Fire Modes
Walker crews are no different then their comrades in other fighting vehicles so all rules are the same as any other vehicle within the Battleground WWII rules unless otherwise noted within the appropriate section.
Opportunity Fire
Per normal rules.
Op-Fire Spotting
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Walker Combat
Because of the versatility of the AMW it is not uncommon for them to be used in close assaults in which they trample enemy infantry under their feet or actually engage other enemy AMWs with specialized close combat weapons.
Because of the versatility of the AMW it is not uncommon for them to be used in close assaults in which they trample enemy infantry under their feet or actually engage other enemy AMWs with specialized close combat weapons.
As per normal rules in addition to the following rules. The term "track" is replaced with "leg". If any walker that has been rammed suffers a 1-4 on the Ramming Effects Chart it will be Knocked Over on a D20 roll of 15. Walkers sustaining a score of 1-12 will be unable to transform into transport form if so able previously due to the damage sustained. Note that Heavy and Super Heavy class walkers will never topple over but will only Collapse straight to the ground from the damage to more then one leg as noted in their rules. Ramming does not benefit from any kind of close combat modifiers.
Walkers are able to repeatedly stomp a target with their feet in hope of neutralizing the threat. For a walker to perform a stomp attack, it must expend an action to do so. This attack will pulverize any living creature that is not enhanced someway and will destroy any equipment that doesn’t have an AV. When a walker attempts to squish a figure that figure must make an immediate Skill Check in order to move out of the way. If the figure is prone or Light Wounded they will suffer from a +5 Penalty to the Skill Check. If the Skill Check if failed, the figure will sustain a Gory Death result as the walker steps on them unless enhanced in some way. This attack will also collapse any foxholes or entrenchments the walker stomps on. Anyone within an earthwork that has been stomped will be crushed automatically if they do not pass a 1/2 Skill Check in jumping out of the earthwork before it is crushed. The figure will get 2 actions to get out and move away from the earthwork immediately. The area of collapse will be double the width of the walker’s foot. If stomping against something with an AV, consider it as a vehicle being rammed for both the walker and target.
Vehicle Smoke
As per normal rules.
As per normal rules.
Abandoned Walkers
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Walker Crews in Battle
Per normal rules.
Per normal rules.
Anti-Tank Mines
Per normal rules in addition to,
Per normal rules in addition to,
AT Mines Chance To Hit
Hasty Improved Tricky
¼ Looking 7 9 11
AT Mine Effects Chart (Same with the exceptions below & replace "tracks" with "legs")
1-4 As normal in addition, walkers will be Knocked Over in a random direction or will Collapse by
1-4 As normal in addition, walkers will be Knocked Over in a random direction or will Collapse by
using the normal rules found in those rules above.
5-8 As normal in addition, a random leg snaps off and the walker and will be in Knocked Over in a
5-8 As normal in addition, a random leg snaps off and the walker and will be in Knocked Over in a
random direction or will Collapse by using the normal rules found in those rules above.
9-12 As normal.
13-16 As normal.
17-20 As normal.
9-12 As normal.
13-16 As normal.
17-20 As normal.
Walkers in Close Combat
It was not uncommon for walkers to fight in close combat with other walkers or vehicles and some were even equipped with special arms to facility such combat. Walker crews that have special close combat weapons will not have to make a ½ Gut Check as all other walker crews will to move into close combat and no walker has to move up to ½ its movement like other vehicles. Walkers are considered in close combat when they are 2” away from each other. Close combat plays out just like if it were infantry but the walkers use their driver’s Morale and apply the below modifiers if needed. Winner gets a single blow against a random location on the enemy walker. If the winner wins by more then ½, the driver may pick the exact location they want to strike, twice.
It was not uncommon for walkers to fight in close combat with other walkers or vehicles and some were even equipped with special arms to facility such combat. Walker crews that have special close combat weapons will not have to make a ½ Gut Check as all other walker crews will to move into close combat and no walker has to move up to ½ its movement like other vehicles. Walkers are considered in close combat when they are 2” away from each other. Close combat plays out just like if it were infantry but the walkers use their driver’s Morale and apply the below modifiers if needed. Winner gets a single blow against a random location on the enemy walker. If the winner wins by more then ½, the driver may pick the exact location they want to strike, twice.
Types of Attack
Punch/Kick: Only walkers fitted specifically designed close combat appendages or upgrades can make these types of attacks. Treat these attacks like normal vehicle ramming but the target vehicle doesn’t roll to see it the attacker sustains damage.
Ram/Stomp: This is the only type of attack that walkers not designed to fight in close combat can perform. Walkers with close combat modifications can choose this kind of attack but they will take possible damage as stated within the vehicle ramming rules.
Walker Close Combat Modifiers
Equipped with Auxiliary Arms -1
Equipped with Close Combat Equip. -3
Arm Clutching Improvised Weapon -1
Over Obstacle +2
Knocked Over +3
Previously Sustain Pene. Damage +5
Green Crew +2
Elite or Better Crew -2
Surprise -2
Platoon Commander -1 per point of Leadership Modifier
Extra Attacker -2 per extra attacker
Higher Crew Morale -1
Breaking Off
Due to their sheer size, walkers can decide to break off from close combat during their normal Action Phase but their opponent will receive a free attack to any location they choose or a free action of fire. Once 2” away the walkers are considered no longer in close combat.
Walker vs. Infantry
Although terrifying for most, it was not unheard of for infantry to close assault these new weapons on the battlefields of WWWII.
Walker Effects on Infantry
As per normal rules with the addition that infantry within 8" of a W2s and W4s must make their Gut Checks.
As per normal rules with the addition that infantry within 8" of a W2s and W4s must make their Gut Checks.
HE vs. Infantry
As per normal rules in addition to,
As per normal rules in addition to,
As per normal rules with the exception that if the walker is tall enough to actually target down into the earthwork then it will be capable of firing directly into it.
As per normal rules with the exception that if the walker is tall enough to actually target down into the earthwork then it will be capable of firing directly into it.
Vehicle Mounted Machine Guns
As per normal rules.
Limitations of Vehicle Mounted MGs
As per normal rules.
Crew Gun Fire
As per normal rules.
Walkers are able to repeatedly stomp a target with their feet in hope of neutralizing the threat. For a walker to perform a stomp attack, it must expend an action to do so. This attack will pulverize any living creature that is not enhanced someway and will destroy any equipment that doesn’t have an AV. When a walker attempts to squish a figure that figure must make an immediate Skill Check in order to move out of the way. If the figure is prone or Light Wounded they will suffer from a +5 Penalty to the Skill Check. If the Skill Check if failed, the figure will sustain a Gory Death result as the walker steps on them unless enhanced in some way. This attack will also collapse any foxholes or entrenchments the walker stomps on. Anyone within an earthwork that has been stomped will be crushed automatically if they do not pass a 1/2 Skill Check in jumping out of the earthwork before it is crushed. The figure will get 2 actions to get out and move away from the earthwork immediately. The area of collapse will be double the width of the walker’s foot. If stomping against something with an AV, consider it as a vehicle being rammed for both the walker and target.
Walkers are able to repeatedly stomp a target with their feet in hope of neutralizing the threat. For a walker to perform a stomp attack, it must expend an action to do so. This attack will pulverize any living creature that is not enhanced someway and will destroy any equipment that doesn’t have an AV. When a walker attempts to squish a figure that figure must make an immediate Skill Check in order to move out of the way. If the figure is prone or Light Wounded they will suffer from a +5 Penalty to the Skill Check. If the Skill Check if failed, the figure will sustain a Gory Death result as the walker steps on them unless enhanced in some way. This attack will also collapse any foxholes or entrenchments the walker stomps on. Anyone within an earthwork that has been stomped will be crushed automatically if they do not pass a 1/2 Skill Check in jumping out of the earthwork before it is crushed. The figure will get 2 actions to get out and move away from the earthwork immediately. The area of collapse will be double the width of the walker’s foot. If stomping against something with an AV, consider it as a vehicle being rammed for both the walker and target.
Passengers and Riders
As per normal rules.
As per normal rules.
For walkers triple the size of a normal man, the passengers must spend 2 actions to safely mount or dismount if it is standing. This extra action is due to the passengers having to carefully use the vehicle’s rungs to move down its side without falling off. The riders may choose to attempt a fast exit with a successful ½ Skill Check. This allows the riders to exit in a single action but if failed they have fallen off and suffered a F column hit as they hit the ground. If knocked over or exiting to another platform of the same height it will only take a single action to exit or enter the walker whilst standing.
Bailing Out
As above and as per normal rules.
Crew Exposed/Buttoned Up
As per normal rules.
Protection for Riders
As per the normal rules.
Crew Served Weapons and Dismounting
As per normal rules
As per normal rules
Crew Served Weapons and Bailing Out
As per normal rules.
As per normal rules.
Riding Capacity
As per normal rules.
As per normal rules.
Indicating Riders/Passengers On and In a Vehicle
As per normal rules
As per normal rules
Fighting Riders
As per normal rules.
As per normal rules.
Vehicle Charts
As per the normal rules in addition to,
As per the normal rules in addition to,
This indicates if the vehicle is equipped with specially designed close combat equipment.
Location Charts
Location Charts
As per the normal rules.
Armor Rules Update
These are various updated rules published since the original version of BGWWII.
Side and Rear Armor
As per the updated rules.
Armor Facing
As per the updated rules.
Moving Front
As per the updated rules.
Pinning Fire and Walker Machine Guns
As per the updated rules.
Vehicle Crew Actions
As per the updated rules
Add On Armor
As per the updated rules.
Turret Rotation and Chance To Hit
As per the updated rules.
Engine Hits and Smoke
As per the updated rules.
Rules as noted above.
Main Gun Damage
As per the updated rules.
Locked Vehicles
As per the updated rules.
Size of a Smoke Cloud As per the updated rules.
Shooting Through Smoke
As per the updated rules.
Smoke and Close Assault
As per the updated rules.
Smoke and Drift
As per the updated rules.
Wargaming Piece: The wargaming market is flooded with tons of walkers that would be covered with these rules so just pick what you feel fits in your force and have at it!
Smoke and Close Assault
As per the updated rules.
Smoke and Drift
As per the updated rules.
Wargaming Piece: The wargaming market is flooded with tons of walkers that would be covered with these rules so just pick what you feel fits in your force and have at it!
Christ, that's a lot of work...nicely done.
ReplyDeleteThey should be a pretty good set of rules for the weird players of BGWWII.