M4 (105)
M4 (105) HVSS
M4A1E4/M4A1 (76)W
M4A1E8/M4A1 (76)W HVSS
M4A2 (76)W
M4A2E8/M4A2 (76)W HVSS
M4A3 (75)W
M4A3E4/M4A3 (76)W
M4A3 (105)
M4A3E8/M4A3 (76)W HVSS
M4A3E9/M4A3 (105) HVSS
M4A3E2 Jumbo/Cobra King
M4A3E8 Easy Eight
M4A3 Zippo Flame Tank

M4A3E8 HVSS POA-CWS H5 Flame Tank

M4 Rhino
M4 w/ M1 Dozer Blade
M4 w/M2 Hydraulic Blade
M4 "Duplex Drive"
M4 w/Deep Wading Equipment
M4A3 w/Ablative Armor
M4A3 Zippo Flame Tank

M4A3E8 HVSS POA-CWS H5 Flame Tank

M4 Rhino
M4 w/ M1 Dozer Blade
M4 w/M2 Hydraulic Blade
M4 "Duplex Drive"
M4 w/Deep Wading Equipment
M4A3 w/Ablative Armor
Dates Introduced: M4 (Mid '42), M4 (105) (Early '44), M4 (105) HVSS (Late '44), M4A1 (Early '42), M4A1 (76)W (Early '44), M4A1 (76)W HVSS (Late '44), M4A2 (Mid '42), M4A4E2 (Early '45), M4A2 (76)W (Mid '44), M4A2 (76)W HVSS (Late '44), M4A3 (Mid '42), M4A3 (75)W (Early '44), M4A3 (76)W (Early '44), M4A3 (105) (Mid '44), M4A3 (76)W HVSS (Mid '44), M4A3 (105) HVSS (Late '44), M4A3A2 (Mid '44), M4A3E8 (Late '44), M4A4 (Mid '42) & M4A6 (Late '43).
Users: These rules are meant to be for US issued M4 variants and not that of the other Allied nation's versions.
Vehicle Chart: You can find suitable vehicle charts for most of the above models in the Tanker's Challenge supplement. There is also a Dozer fitted M4 vehicle chart in the Normandy Nightmare supplement.
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, asst. driver/radio operator and driver)
VVSS Models: All M4 models were originally fitted with the Vertical Volute Spring Suspension which produced high ground pressure. These M4 models will suffer from a +1 to all Bog Checks.
HVSS Models: The Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension was a more reliable suspension system that also allowed the M4 to be fitted with wider tracks that reduced its high ground pressure. Any M4 model fitted with a HVSS will negate the High Ground Pressure penalty. Availability is per the WYSIWYG rules.
"Duck Bills": Duck Bills are track extensions that can be fitted to a M4's tracks to help with the vehicle's high ground pressure problem. Any M4 fitted with these extensions will negate the High Ground Pressure penalties. Availability is 10.
M4A3E2 Suspension: Due to the sheer weight of this model, it will always suffer the +1 to all Bog Checks no matter what type of suspension or other equipment it is fitted with.
M4A4E2 Suspension: This M4 model was fitted with a torsion suspension instead of the VVSS or HVSS. This model will still suffer from the High Ground Pressure penalty.
M4A2 & M4A6 Diesel Engines: The M4A2 and M4A6 were fitted with diesel engines which made the possibility of fire slightly less likely. All diesel engines will cause a +1 to all Penetration Effects chart rolls against the M4A2 and M4A6 models.
Top Armor: Because of the steep slope of the M4's front glacis, any top hits to the HT 6 or 11 locations will use the HF AV of 14 instead.
Belly Escape Hatch: All M4 models have a belly escape hatch that allowed the crew to dismount under the vehicle. This hatch is very awkward and it takes each crew member an action to exit the tank through it. Once they exit the tank they will be prone under the tank.
M3 2" Mortar: All models of the M4 except for the M4A1, M4A2 & M4A4 are fitted with a fixed 2" mortar fitted within the turret. The mortar was meant to be used to produce a smoke screen for the vehicle but it is often ignored in favor of firing the M89 WP round from the main gun instead since it had a longer range and produced a larger smoke cloud. In theory, the M3 was able to fire a signal, illumination and HE round as well as smoke but because of the weapon being in a fixed position it was much easier and effective to use the main gun, vehicle's machine guns or a hand held flare pistol instead of the M3's other shells. When using the M3's smoke or HE round, the round will land 18" directly in front of the main gun when fired and uses the Small HE template. Signal flare rounds are of limited use due to the round's low trajectory and will only be seen by those who have LOS to its 18" movement from the turret's front. The illumination round was useless because of its low trajectory and will not be supplied to M4 crews. The weapon was operated by the vehicle's loader and it took an action to load and another to fire. Note that any penetrating or non-penetrating round hitting the TF location 19 or the TT, TR or left TS 17 locations will neutralize the M3's use. Because of the redundancy of the weapon, its Availability is 8. However, M4s mounting the 76mm gun will have an Availability of 15 due to the lack of a 76mm smoke round.
Sandbag Racks/Wood Siding: It was common for M4s to fit numerous sandbags in make-shift racks on the hull and turret to help protect itself against enemy HEAT anti-tank weapons. These racks will cover locations 3-4 and 7-16 on the HF and locations 9-15 and 17-19 on the HS and TS. This barrier of sandbags will 1/2 any HEAT weapon's AP only once per location covered. These racks will also cause a +10 penalty against any Close Assault Placement roll against the locations covered using magnetic mines or other similar AT weapons. Note that due to the increased weight of the sandbags, any vehicle fitted with this addition will have a movement penalty of 2" per action. The Availability for these upgrades is a 12 for the front hull rack and a 10 for the hull and turret side racks. In the PTO, it was more common for M4 crews to affix wood to the hull to help defend against such attacks and it offers the same benefits as the sand bag racks noted above. Availability for is type of addition is a 16 in the PTO and a 8 in any other theater.
Bird Cages: Because of Jap suicide anti-tank hunters and their tendency to place explosives on the hatches of American takes, the crews often welded wire cages over their hatches to leave a space between the hatch and explosive to help deflect the explosion. If fitted, a bird cage will half the AP at that location once. Any subsequent attack to the same spot will not benefit because the bird cage was destroyed from the previous attack. Note that this is an exclusive upgrade found only in the PTO so any other theater will have an Availability of 5. M4s in the PTO will have an Availability of 10.
Ablative Armor: M4 crews often welded on panels of spare armor plate to the outside of their tanks in hopes that this added armor will increase their survivability. Any location covered in this way will gain an extra point to its AV for a single hit. Any subsequent hits will negate this armor because the previous shot either destroyed the plate or busted it off the tank to where is doesn't offer anymore armor protection. Availability is a 5 for dedicated ablative armor panels.
Dry Stowage Models: Because of the M4's poor ammo storage, it was prone to catch fire if penetrated. Penetration Effects are at a -1.
Wet Stowage Models: M4s fitted with a wet stowage system will benefit from a +2 to all results on the Penetration Effects roll. This is due to the use of a type of anti-freeze that kept penetrating rounds from igniting the ammunition's propellent. Note that models of the M4 with this equipment will have a "W" attached to its name.
Gyro Stabilizers: M4s are fitted with a gun stabilizer that increases accuracy when firing on the move. The stabilizers are not very popular with the crews because it takes extensive training and maintenance to benefit from its use and many crews would rather stop and fire instead. The crew must pass a half Skill Check at the beginning of the battle to use this piece of equipment. Any M4 with a working stabilizer has a reduced To Hit penalty noted below.
Moved in previous action +3 To Hit
Fire on the move +6 To Hit
Fixed Spotlight: All M4 models have a small spotlight fitted to the turret above the main gun's position. The spotlight will illuminate a 45-degree cone and illuminate out to 28" directly forward of the turret's current position.
IR Upgradable: All M4s are capable of being fitted with the M54 "Blacklight" IR System as described in the IR Rules. Availability is an 10 in the ETO and MTO and a 5 in any other theater.
T30 Flechette Shell: 75mm armed M4s are able to fire the T30 canister shell that was in essence a large shotgun that fired large steel parts in a devastating short ranged pattern. To fire the T30 just use the normal rules to fire the main gun and then place the 75mm Canister template 6" directly forward of the barrel and roll as normal for anything under the template. Anything that is touched by the 6" path forward before the template is placed will be as if hit by an A column hit. Note that because the shell is in essence a shotgun shell, it can be used whilst on the move without the normal To Hit modifiers for moving whilst firing. The Availability is 15 in the PTO and a 10 for all other theaters with D10+5 shells available.
Rhino Tanks: During the breakout of the Normandy beach head, the Allies were menaced by the French countryside in the form of thick walls of brush and trees on either side of ancient sunken roads called, Bocage. An ingenious idea to weld sharpened metal struts to the front of a tanks was implemented in which the tank would bash its way through the Bocage. For the detailed rules for this M4 upgrade, check out the Normandy Nightmare supplement. Availability is 5 and only in the ETO.
Zippo Flame Tanks: The Zippo flame tank was any M4 model that replaced its main gun with that of a vehicle flamethrower that was fired down a fake main gun barrel. The loader was no longer needed and their position was replaced with the flamethrower's fuel tank. This flamethrower has enough fuel for 14 shots and will use the Vehicle Flamethrower template. The tip of the template will be placed 2" directly in front of the main gun's position. Any prone figures between the template and tank will make an immediate Morale Check and any standing will suffer an automatic Gory Death. All normal flamethrower rules apply. Any penetrating hits to the FT 18 and 19, left TS 18, TR 17 and 18 and TT 8 locations will cause an automatic Catastrophic result on the Penetration Effects chart due to the penetration of the flamethrower's fuel tank. The weapon takes an action to fire by the tank's gunner. The co-aux machine gun is still present so it can be used as well but not in the same action of firing the flamethrower as normal. Availability is a 10 in the PTO and a 5 in all other theaters.
Dozer Tanks: M4s were sometimes fitted with a dozer blade used for various duties. There were two types of dozer blades available, the M1 Side Arm and the M2 hydraulic blade. If a BM is present, let them decided the number of actions needed to push an obstacle clear. If no BM is present then roll a D6 to see how many actions it will take the M4 to clear the obstacle. This also goes for dozing terrain like Bocage, woods or rubble. The M4 will clear an area equal the width of the vehicle per action it moves through. A Dozer M4 can also be used as a makeshift mine clearing vehicle. The dozer will automatically clear any anti-personnel mines but anti-tank mines can have a chance of destroying the blade when detonated. When clearing a AT minefield roll a D20 for every action spent clearing the minefield and consult the chart below to see if the dozer is destroyed by the detonation. If the blade is destroyed, the vehicle is immobilized for D20 actions while the crew detaches the blade from the vehicle. Also roll an immediate Bog Check to see if the tracks are harmed by the explosion. If passed detach the blade as noted but if failed the vehicle's tracks are destroyed and the vehicle is immobilized. Note that when clearing any kind of minefield, the crew must be Buttoned-Up to do so.
AT Mine To Hit Chart
Speed Hasty Mine Field Improved Minefield Tricky Minefield
1/2 19 18 16
1/4 20 19 17
The blade will also provide additional armor for the tank's front hull. The dozer blade will cover HF 2-6 locations and will deflect incoming enemy fire but the location hit will be ruined by the incoming round. Note that each location can only be hit once before it will no longer provide anymore cover. If more then two dozer locations are ruined then the dozer will not be in working condition to perform any dozing actions. Only rounds of 50mm or large will effect the dozer in this way. When the blade is engaged, the M4's movement is halved. The blade can be engaged at anytime with a free action by the driver. Availability is a 10.Tank Phone: It was found that infantry had a hard time communicating with tank crews without exposing themselves or the crew to enemy fire. To solve this problem, M4s were fitted with a simple field phone installed in a box mounted at the rear of the hull. This phone allowed infantry to communicate with the buttoned-up crew without exposing them to enemy fire. This upgrade allows Buttoned-Up crews to be aware of any enemy units that the accompanying infantry are aware of just as long as a single figure is manning the tank's phone. Availability is a 15.
76mm Armed Models: The 76mm gun was provided with a more powerful AP round but the same gun's HE round was fitted with a smaller explosive then its 75mm counterpart. The 76mm also lacked a WP round all together so smoke was provided by the tank's 2" mortar or by smoke grenade thrown from an exposed crewman. Although lacking in some areas, the 76mm was supplied with the new but rare High Velocity Armor Piercing (HVAP) round normally issued only to tank destroyers. These rounds were made more available to all tanks mounting the 76mm because of the more frequent appearance of heavy enemy armor on the modern battlefield. The Availability for the HVAP is 10 with D4 rounds available.
105mm Armed Models: M4 models armed with the M4 105mm howitzer will not benefit from any Gyro-Stabilizers and will also suffer from the slow turret penalty.
DD M4s: The Duplex Drive is an upgrade that fitted a vehicle with a flotation screen and set of propellers which allowed it to become in essence a make-shift boat. Once on shore, the flotation screen was lowered and the vehicle could fight and move as normal. In gaming terms, any "DD" vehicle can move on from a water table edge at 1/4 normal movement and once on shore it takes two actions for the crew to lower the flotation screen. When erected, the screen obscures the vision of all the crew except for the exposed commander. The vehicle can still move with the screen up but the commander must use their action to direct the driver in doing so and it also increases the vehicle's Bog Check by +3. The screen offers no protection to any exposed crew within it form any enemy fire.
DD M4s: The Duplex Drive is an upgrade that fitted a vehicle with a flotation screen and set of propellers which allowed it to become in essence a make-shift boat. Once on shore, the flotation screen was lowered and the vehicle could fight and move as normal. In gaming terms, any "DD" vehicle can move on from a water table edge at 1/4 normal movement and once on shore it takes two actions for the crew to lower the flotation screen. When erected, the screen obscures the vision of all the crew except for the exposed commander. The vehicle can still move with the screen up but the commander must use their action to direct the driver in doing so and it also increases the vehicle's Bog Check by +3. The screen offers no protection to any exposed crew within it form any enemy fire.
Deep Wading M4s: Deep wading M4s were fitted with tall ducts to the engine that allowed the air-tight tank to move partially submerged under water. These were designed in response to the horrendous actions of the Duplex Drive M4s during D-Day. Deep wading M4s can transverse water by moving at 1/4 its normal speed while in the water. If the vehicle or ducts are penetrated while in the water, the tank will be lost and the crew will be KIA unless they pass a 1/4 Skill Check to escape the drowning tank. All To Hit rolls to a swimming M4 will be at a +1 due to its small size when in the water. The M4 can only fire its machine guns when partially submerged. Availability is a 5.
M4 Loader's Escape: The M4's turret has only one hatch located above the commander's position which gives the commander and gunner a quick way to escape but left the loader at a big disadvantage. However, there is a belly hatch near the loader's position but it is a bit awkward to exit it quickly. To represent this hampered access, anytime a Penetration Effect indicates the crew must Bail-Out and pass a Morale Check or be KIA, the loader is at a +2 on his roll to represent his limited access to an escape hatch. If the loader dismounts successfully he will start prone at either ends under the vehicle.
USMC M4A3E8 HVSS POA-CWS H5: The USMC had a unique model of flame tank that fitted a vehicle-mounted flamethrower co-axially to the vehicle's main gun. The M4A3E8 was fitted with both its normal 150mm howitzer along with the co-aux flamethrower in place of the co-aux machine gun. These weapons where fired by the gunner like normal but not within the same action as normal. Because the vehicle retained the 105mm, the vehicle had to keep the loader and the flamethrower's fuel tank was instead fitted in place of some of the 105mm ammunition in the turret. The loader may load the 105mm in the same action the gunner fires the flamethrower if they so wish. This flamethrower uses the Vehicle-Mounted Flamethrower template and has enough fuel for 5 shots. The tip of the template will be placed 2" directly in front of the projector's position. Any prone figures between the template and tank will make an immediate Morale Check and any standing will suffer an automatic Gory Death. All normal flamethrower rules apply. Any penetrating hits to the TR 18 or TS 19 locations will hit the flamethrower's fuel tank causing a Catastrophic result on the Penetration Effects chart. The Availability for this version of the M4A3E8 is a 4 and is only used with the USMC.
Wargaming Piece: There are numerous companies that do the various models and conversions for 1/48 and 1/50 scale M4s so just do some Google-Fu and see what you find.
Wargaming Piece: There are numerous companies that do the various models and conversions for 1/48 and 1/50 scale M4s so just do some Google-Fu and see what you find.
M4 33 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 9 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(105) 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 105 25 ----- 26 18 Large
M4A1 33 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A2 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A2E2 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 6 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A3 33 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(75)W 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(105) 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 105 25 ----- 26 18 Large
M4A3E2 42 L 32 32 18 16 7 7 7 7 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3E2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(105) 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 105 25 ----- 26 18 Large
M4A1 33 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A2 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A2E2 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 6 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A3 33 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(75)W 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76)W 37 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(105) 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 105 25 ----- 26 18 Large
M4A3E2 42 L 32 32 18 16 7 7 7 7 9 1 S T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3E2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(76) 44 L 32 32 18 16 7 7 7 7 9 1 S T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A3E8 36 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A4 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A6 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A3E8 36 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 15 LMG LMG LCMG-15 76L 30 35 23 13 Small
M4A4 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
M4A6 35 L 19 14 7 9 5 5 5 5 10 1 N T 10 LMG LMG LCMG-15 75 25 ----- 23 13 Med
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