Friday, January 7, 2011

Enemy Elite Friday: Walter Hartmann (Germany)

"Awarded for his decisive role in the successful breakthrough of the 100. (leichten) Infanterie-Division through the Stalin line at Koserowka on the 15.07.1941.  Only by his directing the artillery fire from the foremost line (in the face of furious enemy fire) was it possible to swiftly and flexibly adjust the artillery support to suit the needs of the German infantry.  In the end it would help massively in enabling the Division to achieve a swift breakthrough."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation, awarded on 10 August 1941 as Oberst and Artilleriekommandeur 140.
"Awarded for the outstanding leadership of his Division, and in particular for the following actions…
1) Leading 2 platoons of the Jäger-Bataillon 1 to Beljanskaja in order to seal off an Soviet penetration, a feat made all the more remarkable by the fact that he had by then been amputated twice! (19.09.1943)
2) Personally leading the divisional reserve group along with 20 men of his staff against Soviet forces that had moved 15 km beyond the German front line and struck the divisional supply units on the Janowitschi—Demidow road. (23.09.1943)
3) Clearing up a dangerous situation near Tischanowo. (24.09.1943)"  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves citation, awarded on 30 November 1943 as Generalleutnant and commander of the 87th Infantry Division.
"Awarded for the major part he had in ensuring the holding of the Oder front from Cosel to Oppeln (and later up to Grotkau) against strong enemy attacks near the end of January / start of February 1945.  He repeatedly saw to it that potentially dangerous Soviet break-ins were swiftly dealt with by counter thrusts (which were most often quite weak).  His Armee-Korps achieved great defensive successes northeast of Ratibor, between Grotkau and Neiße, and east of the Zobten river."  from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords citation, awarded on 18 March 1945 as General der Artillerie and commanding general of the VIII. Armeekorps.
Another capable enemy elite,

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