"Hauptmann König… was awarded the Knight’s Cross already on the
21.12.1940 for his defense against strong enemy armored attacks that
were aimed at the Abbeville bridgehead position at the beginning of June
1940." from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross citation, awarded on 21 December 1940.
"After our forces had completed the evacuation of Voronezh the enemy
repeatedly tried to use their numerically superior forces to interdict
and disrupt the orderly withdrawal movements of the Kampfgruppe that
Hauptmann König’s Grenadier-Bataillon. Hauptmann König broke through the
Soviet encirclement attempts with his Kampfgruppe a total of 3 times
over the course of 9 days. Throughout this time the men of the
Kampfgruppe were inspired by the exemplary personal bravery of the
commander, who fought with a weapon in hand and stormed at the head of
his Grenadiers. Because of this the Kampfgruppe was able to establish
contact with the main body of friendly forces after three weeks of
ferocious breakthrough and defensive combat." from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves citation, awarded on 21 February 1943.
"Awarded for his outstanding performance as a regimental commander during
the fighting on the southern sector of the Eastern front from summer
1943 to winter 1944. During the retreat over a river König, seeing that
the German security line had been breached, created a new front line with
his weak forces. He held this line against every Soviet attack until
all elements of his Division had crossed over to the other side,
thereafter pulling back himself. It is possible this action refers to
the German crossing over the Gniloi Tikitsch river on the 17.02.1944
during the breakout from the Cherkassy pocket?" from his Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords citation, awarded on 9 June 1944.
A capable enemy elite,
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