Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Honorable Allies Wednesday: Arthur S. K. Scarf (United Kingdom)

"On 9 December 1941 in Malaya, near the Thailand border, all available aircraft had been ordered to make a daylight raid on Singora (where the Imperial Japanese Army was invading).  Squadron Leader Scarf, as leader of the raid, had just taken off from the base at Butterworth when enemy aircraft swept in destroying or disabling all the rest of the machines.  Scarf decided nevertheless to fly alone to Singora.  Despite attacks from roving fighters he completed his bombing run and was on his way back when his aircraft became riddled with bullets and he was severely wounded, his left arm had been shattered, he had a large hole in his back and was drifting in and out of consciousness.  He managed to crash land the Blenheim at Alor Star, without causing any injury to his crew, and was rushed to hospital where he died two hours later." 

From Squadron Leader Scarf's Victoria Cross citation, awarded on June 21, 1946.

May you be at peace,

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