"On 3 May 1943, Squadron Leader Trent was detailed to lead a formation of
Ventura aircraft in a daylight attack on the power station at
Amsterdam. This operation was intended to encourage the Dutch workmen in
their resistance to enemy pressure and the target was known to be
heavily defended. The importance of bombing it, regardless of enemy
fighters or anti-aircraft fire, was strongly impressed on the aircrews
taking part in the operation. Before taking off Squadron Leader Trent
told the deputy leader that he was going over the target whatever
happened. All went well until the eleven Venturas and their fighter
escort were nearing the Dutch Coast. Then one bomber was hit and had to
turn back. Suddenly large numbers of enemy fighters appeared. Our
escorting fighters were hotly engaged and lost touch with the bombing
force. The Venturas closed up for mutual protection and commenced their
run up to the target. Unfortunately the fighters detailed to support
them over the target had reached the area too early and had been
recalled. Soon the bombers were attacked. They were at the mercy of
fifteen to twenty Messerschmitts which dived on them incessantly. Within
four minutes six Venturas were destroyed. Squadron Leader Trent
continued on his course with the remaining three aircraft, and in a
short time two more Venturas went down in flames. Heedless of the
murderous attacks and of the heavy anti-aircraft fire which was now
encountered, Squadron Leader Trent completed an accurate bombing run,
and even shot down a Messerschmitt at point blank range. Dropping his
bombs in the target area he turned away. The aircraft following him was
shot down on reaching the target. Immediately afterwards his own
aircraft was hit and went into a spin and broke up. Squadron Leader
Trent and his navigator were thrown clear and became prisoners of war.
The two other members of the crew perished. On this, his twenty-fourth
sortie, Squadron Leader Trent showed outstanding leadership. Such was
the trust placed in this gallant officer that the other pilots followed
him waveringly. His cool unflinching courage and devotion to duty in
the face of overwhelming odds rank with the fine examples of these
From Squadron Leader Trent's Victoria Cross citation, awarded on 26 February 1946.
May you be at peace,
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